Dear GuideIT Customers,
As it has been evident lately there are some issues with the Letsencrypt service which is responsible for generating your SSL certificates.
Please don't panic, we have fixed the issue on all of our servers.
Note: Please note that work is completed on all of our servers and accounts for our valued customers.
Knowing that we have nothing to do with this problem,
as it was clarified by the Letsencrypt that the beginning of the problem was on October 1.
For customers who don't have our managed services, please follow these instructions:
- Connect to your server using your ssh credentials (ACCESS SSH).
On servers running CentOS or CloudLinux 7 or higher, this has been addressed with the most recent operating system updates that update the certificates bundles.
rpm -q ca-certificates
rpm -q ca-certificates --changelog | head
* Tue Sep 14 2021 Bob Relyea <> - 2021.2.50-72
- Fix expired certificate.
- Removing:
- # Certificate "DST Root CA X3"
The package can be manually updated if on a version older than 2021.2.50-72 with the following:
yum -y update ca-certificates
For server's running CloudLinux 6, you can update the necessary package by using the following command:
yum update openssl* --enablerepo=cloudlinux-rollout-3-bypass
And Execute this command "/scripts/autorepair update_lets_encrypt_cabundles2".
Please note that you have to rerun the AutoSSL installer, or do it manually using Letsencrypt App on your Customers' cPanel Accounts.
Thank you,
GuideIT Technical Team.
Saturday, October 2, 2021
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